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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Elizabeth

The People Should Love the Earth -- An original poem

Updated: May 26, 2022

Reason #24598 why I love my school: I am currently in a class called Creative Explorations Earth Science, and the class structure is exactly as it sounds. We learn about topics like geological formations, climate, big geology, and geologic time, but with a creative twist. Many days in class we are given time to research the specified topics and collaborate with a few others on how we can present our findings to the class in a creative way. I have drawn a map of the rock cycle, performed a skit on weathering and erosion, and created a journal of observations relating to course material, expressed in pictures, sketches, poems, and songs.

However, one activity was particularly inspiring for me. My class was learning about climate change with a special emphasis on the effects that it has around the world. I admit, in the past I have been somewhat ignorant when it comes to the earth's warming because it hasn't really affected me in a noticeable way. It is hard to believe the claims that have been made about the danger of climate change when I personally am not experiencing the effects that have been predicted or reported. As I have researched the issue, though, I have realized that I should be grateful that my life has not been very much affected by the earth's warming, because many lives have been severely altered.

Friends, climate change is an injustice. Sadly, the poor are more heavily influenced by this issue than the affluent. For me, climate change is merely an inconvenience. For others, it is a life or death situation. The heat waves, floods, and storms that are being intensified by the warming climate are difficult for a nation to prepare for and respond to if the area affected does not have strong infrastructure or a healthy economy. People without access to healthcare are suffering. Animal species are at risk. The vulnerable are affected most.

The purpose of this post is not to explain all the effects of climate change or even to convince you of the reality of its consequences. More so, I want to share some of the emotions I have been feeling as I have been digging into this issue. I am not a science expert, but I trust those who are crying out for help. Also, I know that God is moving in the places where injustice is happening, and I want to join him there.

So, I wrote this poem and I wanted to share it with you as encouragement. Before you read, I would like to point out two things. First, God made the earth, and the earth gives him glory. God spoke order into existence and expressed his creativity by forming the oceans, the mountains, and life. God also made humans (us) to be stewards of his creation. Just like God turned chaos into order, we have been given the responsibility to keep the earth in order best we can. We reflect God's nature as we care for creation. And all of this glorifies God.

Second, the kingdom of heaven will soon be here in full glory. This is good news for us! God promises that he will restore all of creation, not just the humans. Any harm that we cause can and will be fixed someday. However, being ignorant of our calling to be good stewards of the earth should not be our response to this promise. A line from my poem says, "shouldn’t we prepare the earth to welcome His Majesty?" Imagine the delight God has for his creation. In this fallen world, our purpose to steward the earth still stands. So, my next step is to continue my research to find practical ways I can care for the earth.

Here is my poem. I am not so much proud of my writing style or phrasing as I am of the reflection and thought I put into it. (I am definitely not an English or Writing major haha). But I care deeply about this, and I want to live in alignment with these words and this theme. I hope you enjoy.

The People Should Love the Earth

An original poem by Caroline Goldenstein

God made the earth

His glory is reflected by the earth

He made people in His image

To steward the beautiful earth that He made

As the earth warms it cries out in poverty

Where else is refuge for the poor and powerless?

Yet the corrupt people use in excess

And the earth groans

Too soon the land won’t grow crops

People will starve, the economy will suffer

The fish in the lakes are slowly dying

While invasive species live

The people experience typhoons and hurricanes

When will we realize this is our own mistake?

Heaven is coming to the earth

Soon God will dwell on the earth to be with us

He will restore the earth either way

But shouldn’t we prepare the earth to welcome His Majesty?

We see God’s handiwork in the earth

He rejoices over what He has made

God loves the earth

So the people should love the earth


"All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; and they sing praises to your name." Psalm 66:4

"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:16-17

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